missing pieces.

ROLE: Producer, editor, sound designer

Kevin Cady is a private investigator (PI) on a criminal defense team. He’s working for a man who has been imprisoned for last 27 years for a murder he didn’t commit. The client is Anthony Sanborn Jr - who Kevin calls Tony - and he was 16 years old when a girl he used to date turned up dead. Her body was found in the water under an industrial dock in Portland, Maine. With no physical evidence to tie Tony to the scene, police investigators relied solely on witness testimony to put him behind bars. Except now, nearly three decades later, these witnesses are changing their stories. And Kevin is following the trail of evidence that just might prove Tony’s innocence.

Kevin knows exactly what the police are supposed to do when they investigate a crime because he used to be a cop himself. He served 25 years in law enforcement in Maine as a Sergeant for the Portland Police Department and as the Deputy Police Chief for the town of Eliot. Now that he’s a PI, Kevin has lost a lot friends from the Department. He catches them when they cut corners or miss a piece of evidence. But Kevin doesn’t see himself as a detective who is working to get criminals out of jail. He simply works for the truth.

Kevin looks at every case like it’s a puzzle. The truth only comes out when the puzzle is complete. When it came to Tony’s case, Kevin discovered that the puzzle used to convict him was missing a few pieces - perhaps deliberately.


Portland Press Herald Staff photo by Jack Milton